Maandelijks archief februari 2015


Engineering an indestructible GT Popper (Dutch)

More and more our fishing updates shift to the worldwide and pretty much “instant fishing network” called Facebook. The disadvantage of this instant network is that news becomes old news and then forgotten news in just a couple of days. Good articles need an infinite lifespan and for that a website just suits best. I was in doubt what language to use for this specific article but since I had quite some interesting conversations with fishermen worldwide about the subject, I voted English. When I have the time, a Dutch translation might follow as well.


Engineering an indestructible GT Popper (English)

More and more our fishing updates shift to the worldwide and pretty much “instant fishing network” called Facebook. The disadvantage of this instant network is that news becomes old news and then forgotten news in just a couple of days. Good articles need an infinite lifespan and for that a website just suits best. I was in doubt what language to use for this specific article but since I had quite some interesting conversations with fishermen worldwide about the subject, I just decided to do both. English version can be read here. Volkmar Strikkers       Totally unexpected I...


Striped Bass vissen in Montauk NY

Het zal zo’n 8 jaar geleden zijn dat ik ergens een foto van een grote Striped Bass voorbij zag komen. Haar stoere uitstraling, die prachtige strepen, de ruige stekels en haar indringende ogen maakte diepe indruk. Ooit zou ik ook zo’n “turbo-zeebaars” vangen, zo nam ik me voor. In 2010 was ik voor mijn werk was ik in Las Vegas en door wat research op internet wist ik dat er in nabij gelegen Colorado River een klein maar interessant bestand aan “Trophy landlocked Stripers” (Striper is een ander woord Striped Bass) rondzwom. Topvissen met een gemiddeld gewicht van tussen de...